Your First Visit

What are my costs?

We offer a complimentary initial consultation! Therefore your time is the only investment needed to receive a comprehensive assessment.

Do I Need A Referral From My Dentist?

A common myth is that you need a referral from your dentist to see an orthodontist. The truth is that a referral is not required. We often see patients who have their own concerns about their smile and were never referred by their dentist. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontic specialist by age 7. The orthodontist can assess whether there are any developing problems and intercept those early before they become a bigger problem. Check here for problems that require a visit to the orthodontist.

How long does it take?

We set aside an hour for your initial comprehensive examination. This allows our Treatment Coordinator and Dr. Eppard adequate time to fully assess your concerns, obtain digital photographs and X-rays, and discuss treatment recommendations. Although your appointment may not require the full hour, we request that you be certain to set aside an hour in your schedule for this visit.

What to Expect at Your First Visit!

You will be greeted by our Treatment Coordinator. She will obtain digital photographs and X-rays of your teeth and jaws. These are needed for Dr. Eppard to fully assess your individual treatment needs and discuss the appropriate options for you or your child. Once the photographs and X-rays are complete, Dr. Eppard will complete her examination and provide you with a comprehensive problem list and treatment recommendation. Information will include whether treatment is appropriate for you, ideal timing for treatment, length of treatment and any treatment options. For those with more complex issues, Dr. Eppard may request molds be taken of your teeth and a follow-up consultation to discuss your options. Our Treatment Coordinator will also discuss any financial concerns you may have. She will provide you with your treatment fee, any insurance benefits available, and financing options from which to choose. You will leave with our new patient information folder that will give you a comprehensive overview of our office policies and what to expect during your treatment.

How Should I Prepare For My Visit?

Your teeth and gums need to be healthy to pursue orthodontic treatment. If you don’t see a dentist regularly, then you should schedule a dental check up and cleaning. All cavities and periodontal treatment must be addressed before your orthodontist can start treatment. Dr. Eppard will work together with you and your dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy before beginning orthodontic treatment.

If you have time, please complete the forms we will need for your first visit. Providing insurance information to our office in advance will allow us adequate time to review your orthodontic insurance benefits with your carrier. This will in turn provide you with a more accurate amount for your out-of-pocket expense.

To Schedule Your First Visit Click Here.

History Form Referral Form Privacy Notice

You have the option to print and bring these forms to your first visit, or our forms can be filled out online, saved to your desktop and emailed to